Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Hardcore Protest!

Whayyy! I got to the protest! It was mint, I have all the frigging chants stuck in my head now though! I didn't think I'd manage to get there, I was walking to school when I saw my friend Micheal and we started talking then he said 'Sorry got to go, gotta get my protest on' so that made me like, 'class or protest' so I picked protest, I met up with some friends met loads of new people, and also lost a friend cos we didn't wait for him, whatta dick. He's a fucking prick anyway so it doesn't matter. I haven't told you what the protest is about have I!? Whoooops, its about the student fees going up, and them cutting EMA and all that jazz. Anyway, Im sleeping at the university tonight as part of the protest! Have a nice night if anyone even reads this! Bubyyyyeeeee. :)

My Fist Blog, Exciting Right?! Oh wait, its snowing...

My first blog, wow. Kinda exciting huh? Well I'm excited. Soo my first blog, I should talk about something interesting? Well I'm not, I'm talkinig about the weather, not so exciting now is it.. well anyway, we have allot of snow at the moment! I love the snow, but not going to school in it; it will take me twice the time to get there, and the teachers wont even turn up. So I'm not going, I only have two lessons anyway! I cant get to the protest I was meant to be going to because buses have stopped running, so you know what I'm going to do with my day? Make a snow man. England can't cope with weather at all! When it rains, we have floods, when its sunny, we have droughts and when it snows, everything stops running! English weather gets on my tits,it really does! But I will man it up, and go make my snowman, but first, I'm going to eat, catch yaa laters! :)