Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Dear Diary...

Dear Diary,

So, I woke up this morning to a flannel to my face, how nice is that? I have a lovely sister...anyway, I had a weird dream last night, I can't remember what it was about, but when I think back about it, it seems like a memory from when I was a child, I kind of block my childhood, I don't know why, i just don't really like to remind myself of it.. Anyway, I got up, had a shower and got ready for school.

Walking to school was a bitch. It is so icy it is unreal. I kept slipping and each time I slipped I had a minnie heart attack, I haven't fallen yet though, so that's good right? But to be fair, I don't need snow or ice to fall.. I fall over my own feet, jee, I'm a smart one.

So, at school, I only had three lessons, and two of them were Science in Society. It's kind of cool at the moment; we are doing about stars, and space, and if there is life on other planets. I think it’s kinda sad to think that we may be the only life in the solar system, but if there was other life, they would so dominate us... I'm in health and social now, with Dan, again. I really should do my work, but I don’t have the attention span. I guess it’s just the blondeness? Well I like to think to think so.

I will talk to you later when I have done something interesting, if I do that is.

Talk soon,
xox ;)

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